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escape-center - 5/2009

Promotional website of Escape Center. Escape Center in Ilion, began operating (nʼ first opened its doors back) in 2003, offering a unique experience to its visitors.

Its contemporary architecture and pleasant environment, in combination with a variety of entertainment and shopping choices, offers the unique experience that is Escape.

With more than 3,300,000 visitors annually, Escape Center has established itself as the exclusive shopping and entertainment destination for all tastes and ages.

The website is based on ModusWEBTM Content Management System (CMS) and is implemented as bilingual, in Greek and English.

It consists of sections like “Ster Cinemas Weekly program”, “Events”, “Accessibility” etc. There are also maps of the shops that help the visitor know the exact spot where a shop is in Escape Center.


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almatrans - International Transport Service